“The Social Justice Group has an interesting history. It arose out of a number of groups that were operating before 1995 focusing on Anti Bias issues. 1995 was the ‘International Year of Tolerance’ and a number of people within these groups were invited to get together to organise a conference addressing related early childhood issues within the ‘International Year of Tolerance’. The conference was a huge success, though more importantly, those of us who were part of the conference organising committee (Betty Hopson, Leonie Arthur, Kerryn Jones, Sandra Cheeseman, Louise Brennan, Chris Legg, Anthea Hotten) found that we really enjoyed working together. We were like minded people that had particular views around social justice issues and so we felt inspired through the organisation of the conference. At the completion of the conference we had a wrap up session where we wanted to evaluate the conference…and that’s how the group began”

1:4 Ratio for Babies – the Campaign begins in 2004

History 2004 1:4 Ratio for Babies – the Campaign begins in 2004 8 May 2004, public rally at Town…

1:4 Make It Law! 2008 Campaign

History 2008 1:4 Make It Law! 2008 Campaign http://www.ccccnsw.org.au/ratios The NSW Children’s Services Regulation (2004) for centre based or…

Save the Teachers Campaign

History 2004 Save the Teachers Campaign State wide petition in 2004 demanding the retention of University Trained teachers…

Sea of Hands

History 2001 Sea of Hands Reconciliation Day Picnic 26 May 2000, Enmore Park, Enmore NSW

A Family is A Family – Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Float Entry

History 2001 A Family is A Family – Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Float Entry Social Justice…

Social Justice Dinners – Carter and Curtis

History 2002 Social Justice Dinners – Carter and Curtis

Richard Johnson Workshop

History 2006 Richard Johnson Workshop Download: Professor Rich Johnson – Participant Notes, Reflections & Action; Nov 2006Download: Richard…

An Historical Cup of Tea with Betty October 2001

History 2001 An Historical Cup of Tea with Betty October 2001 Betty Hopson shares the history of Social Justice…