Liam McNicholas interviews Dr Red Ruby Scarlet on LGBTIQA+ cultures in early childhood

Scarlet on LGBTIQA+ cultures in early childhood


“Mardi Gras is just one festival that the LGBTIQA+ community celebrates, and though it is Sydney based, it is the biggest queer cultural event in Australia. All states and territories have Pride marches and festivals during the year, and inevitably you’ll see all of these festivals festooned with families coming together and celebrating queer culture. It’s a colour-fest for the eyes and a joy filled experience for those who create these events, participate in them, and, more recently, report on them. Still, there are many educators who think this festival shouldn’t be part of early childhood education.

At the same time, there are many committed and enthusiastic educators and teachers who are keen to celebrate LGBTIQA+ cultures but aren’t sure how or where to start. Their hesitation is possibly due to not recognising sexuality and gender diversity as ‘culture’, however, sexuality and gender diversity is very much cultural. So in the same way we work hard to authentically embed Aboriginal, ethnic, linguistic and cultural diversities into our everyday practice, gender and sexuality are both part of these cultural diversities, and cultural diversities in their own right.”

To read the full interview, click here

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