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The Anti-Bias Approach in Early Childhood

The Anti-Bias Approach in Early Childhood, now in its 4th Edition, continues to build momentum for centring equity, tackling bias and creating beautiful ethical learning experiences and environments with and for children in the early years. Featuring many new contributors who generously share their inspiring stories, directly from the classroom, walking us through their thinking, negotiating and practice processes of how they have been exploring anti-bias approaches in current time.


This edition also highlights contributions from children telling their stories about their experiences of childhood in a changing world. New to the anti-bias issues addressed is a focus on climate change and the ways children experience it as part of their worlds, working with children with intersex variations, gender diversity, and equitable learning environments beyond the classroom into cities and the bush. It is eclectic.


The 4th Edition also introduces a revised version of the anti-bias goals to reflect the changing nature of contemporary identities and how they are expressed. It also features a new set of Anti-Bias Actions to guide expression and integration of anti-bias approaches across operational and curriculum practices. The book is tied together by a fresh look at anti-bias curriculum guided by the Anti-Bias Goals and the Anti-Bias Actions.

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